Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chocolate Cherry

When Cam and I first met I had 'mahogany' red hair. I loved it, he loved it, everyone was happy. Until just under a year later as I was preparing for our wedding (yup - we married on the 1 year anniversary of our 1st official date) and my beloved Ma wanted me to be blond. I had been blond all my life, as I got older that blond got darker and darker so to please my mother I grew out the red, cut off what remained of it and had my hair high lighted for the wedding. Ever since then I've wanted my red hair back but life had changed and for multiple reasons I just never bothered.

So a dear friend of mine has been dying her hair this phenomenal color that I absolutely love and more recently another friend from church used the same color to dye her hair. All this red around me made me yearn, once again for my red hair! By now, everyone should see where this is going...

Now I don't really like being a "copy cat". I'd rather be unique and I find myself not doing certain things specifically because I don't want to be exactly like someone else. It probably has to do with my aversion to authority and the fact that I would then be a "follower" - gasp! HA ha! I just have to laugh at myself sometimes :)

Here I am, a redhead again!! Ta da! I love it. The color is called chocolate cherry (thanks to Cam's cousin Anna Grauer who inspired me to choose this specific color about a year ago - I'm a little slow ;) It's delicious, isn't it? I love my natural hair color as well, it's just fun to try something different every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bunny... the Bird ;)

Adi sure does love birds. It's a interesting thing, really. I wonder sometimes why she loves birds so much in particular? She is certainly an animal lover like me, but why birds specifically? Maybe going out and feeding the birds with Papa had a much bigger influence on her than we ever could have expected. Here I am with Adi and Grandma Marsha & Grandpa Mike White's conure, Bunny. They got Bunny on Easter, hence the name.
Adi really couldn't get enough of Bunny. We got some cute video footage of her talking to Bunny and having lots of fun with her. I'll try to figure out how to post that later.
Bunny really seemed to like all the attention. I'm surprised I haven't had to address pleas to get a "Bunny" of our own, but also grateful! It's halfway tempting, though I think the 2 cats and dog would pose any bird in our home a survival challenge!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

First Scrap Book!

Scrap Booking

So after collaborating with my prayer group to create a blank scrapbook for our expectant friend's baby shower gift I fell in love with this extremely versatile art form. I've always loved art but as a busy busy grown up I've found that arts are way on the back burner in this season of life. When I discovered that scrap booking could be an extremely satisfying and practical artistic outlet I was elated!!

My first lone project was a book that I wanted to put together for my beloved friends and neighbors. I have to say that I haven't put so much love into a project of this sort in nearly a decade (since my late teens and early 20's creating stained glass pieces, pottery, sculptures, sketches or paintings for friends and family - I rarely created or kept artwork for myself). In the next post I will include a slide show of the finished product. What a blessing it is for me to be able to express my love and friendship this way. I can't wait to start working on projects for Adi next, after a short break of course. It's a lot of work, sheesh!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hickory Hill Adventure

Adi and Cam went on a fun spring adventure... here are some photos:

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Church Planting

The third word I got at the women's conference was: "You will be involved in a church plant". Ha ha!! When Cam and I went to the Cause Conference last year (largely devoted to church planters) I was super reluctant to even go because, "I'm not a church planter!" So when I heard this word given to me by the same woman who confirmed the other two that I had already been feeling directly from Jesus I had to laugh.

I don't really have much to say about this because I don't know enough yet. I was surprised by my own willingness to accept it and not fight God on this one. I just laughed and said, "I don't know if God could have picked three harder things to do..."

1. Worship
2. Teach
3. Church Plant

So there you have it. I only have a glimpse of how I'm going to get started on these three but I fully accept them and am now in the process of asking for more songs, more teachings and I trust that when the church plant I'm supposed to be involved in arrises God will make it clear.

Oh, gosh. So for all of my family and friends that have no idea what I'm talking about when I say church plant: a church plant is basically when a group of people prepare to start a new church "from scratch", then they go out and do it. Sometimes it involves moving far away, sometimes it's the next town over - wherever the planters feel like God is calling them to. Any questions, please feel free to ask!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I had a teacher in elementary school named Mrs. McNally. It just so happened that she was my teacher two years in a row, not because I flunked but because she moved from 2nd grade teacher to 3rd grade teacher and I was assigned to her class both years. Mrs. McNally encouraged my writing to such a degree that I felt all those years ago that I would like to be a teacher just like her. As I mentioned in my last post, in high school I though art would be my forte. I never did go to school to become a teacher, but that doesn't mean teaching is any less in my heart.

So when I started getting glimpses of "future teachings" over the past several years, it didn't come as any real surprise. The surprise for me, however, was the kind of teaching I was envisioning. Teaching about Jesus. "But I don't really know that much about Jesus. I don't know much about the Bible either. How could I ever teach about Jesus. I'm totally unqualified!" But still, the ideas kept coming, and like the songs, I refused to write them down.

The second thing that was highlighted for me at the conference was teaching. Not teaching art but "preaching" - oh how I hate that word. I cringe when I think of myself preaching anything. I'm not one who likes to be preached to... maybe it's just my misconception of the word? Regardless, I felt as though I heard loud and clear that God wanted me to teach. I asked what I should do first and the answer was so simple and wonderful, "teach your prayer group my ways, the ways of the Holy Spirit."

Oh how I have a big place in my heart for the Holy Spirit, and my prayer group is already well aware of that. This will be easy, I thought. How easy it will really be, I don't know. But I'm so excited to try. First step, we're going to learn about the history and foundation of the Vineyard. And I pray that we'll be so inspired that we'll be the crazy ones out there "doin' the stuff" as John Wimber would say. I love it!

And when in prayer I heard a new teaching and this time I wrote it down. Two days in a row. I haven't heard any since, but like the songs, I'd like more, please Jesus!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I have loved music my entire life. I used to memorize songs by Madonna and then once I had lead vocals memorized I would memorize the backup too. I started writing songs in elementary school - I studied song structure from the insert in the cassette case and wrote... I must have written dozens.

Then I held an audition at my house with several other girls from school, I was going to create a girl band, just like the boy bands (NKOTB) I totally thought girls could do it better. HA ha! It never went anywhere but I still think it's hilarious that I tried at such a young age, I must have been 10 or 11! And I just remember the passion I had for singing (though never very well) and how I would love to go outside on warm rainy days and sing in the rain. My personal form of worship.

I always had the desire to play piano, guitar and other musical instruments but I was also a gymnast and my family couldn't afford for me to do both. I chose gymnastics over music lessons because I could still listen to music and sing. Then we fell on harder times and I had to give up gymnastics too. But I still had my music.

In junior high I wanted to be in the show choir. Everyone had to take choir class but show choir was optional. I auditioned but failed miserably. I was crushed. I remember so clearly trying to read the sheet music and sing the right tone but getting distracted by other voices and I just couldn't follow a tune. I was so frustrated!! I knew I could have done it if I'd had time to study it, to memorize it. But we didn't get that option and I didn't get a spot in the show choir :(

I continued to write in high school, though I moved more toward poetry and concentrated heavily on art. My senior year consisted of a required math class, an elective abnormal psychology class and several art classes! I loved it. I did art all day long. I decided then that I wanted to be an art teacher (which never happened but I've always been a teacher at heart).

When I first came to church I cried and cried and didn't know why. Little did I know that the Holy Spirit was preparing my heart to accept Jesus. Cam immediately wanted to listen to Christian radio which drove me completely insane! I hated it. Much of it was cheesy and awful. Slowly God changed my heart and I began to thirst for more worship, not just on Sunday and I found that in Christian radio. Now instead of only one station I have three to choose from so if I don't like a song, I just push a button :)

Cam and I have always been fans of live music and we saw a Christian band called Third Day last summer. I remember after the show I was so inspired, alive and my heart just said, "I want to do that!" But I immediately told myself that I can't sing worship songs without crying and would never be able to do that!

I've had dreams with worship songs that I knew I should write down but I dismissed them. One specific dream was this: I heard a song in the dream and thought, "that's an awesome song - I should write it down". Then I decided not to. Next I heard it on the radio (still in the dream) and I thought, "see, someone else wrote the song down and now it's on the radio." It wasn't until recently that I realized that what God was saying is that He will bless me with the songs but it's up to me to do something with them. If I don't, He'll just give them to someone who will!

Aside from dreams I've had several random people ask me if I was a singer. Always out of the blue and with no explanation. Bizarre. A friend had a dream that I was in an orchestra with her playing a cello. I've had ministry times that have emphasized worship in one way or another. It keeps coming up, again and again.

It came up at the women's conference: I felt really full of the Spirit but wanted more. I felt like God said, "go give some away and I will give you more" Off I went to pray for other women. After a meaningful ministry time with one particular woman she looked at me and said,

her: "I have a word for you:"
me: "bring it on!"
her: "Worship. Do you sing? Do you play any instruments?"
me: "No, and no."
her: "Do you want to?"
me: "I have a guitar but haven't learned to play yet..."
her: "Go home, and learn to play your guitar and God will bless you."

Wow. Seriously? That's huge. That's scary. What if I make a fool of myself? I guess at least I'll be a fool for Jesus.

When I got home I woke up one morning with a song. I wrote this one down :) I'd like more, please Jesus!

Words From Run It 2

I feel like there were three main words that were the focus for me at the women's conference. I think I've hesitated to share on my blog because I still don't really know exactly what they mean - only that they are real and God has placed them on my heart. I have the difficult task, now, of trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do about them. I know this is very cryptic, but I'm trying...

I don't know how to share all of this without pretty significant background in each of the three areas because the background is what makes it real for me. The background is how I know I can't dismiss the bits and pieces I've been getting here and there (truly since a child for two of the areas!) All of this is exciting, yet I tread with care because I have a tendency to get discouraged when things don't move along as quickly as I think they should. These things could be far in my future but I want to begin preparing now.

A significant ministry time sounded something like this as one woman prayed for me (I'm praying about two of the three things during this time as I feel like God is bringing them into the light for me, though I'm coming forth with a significant amount of doubt):

"You are qualified"
"You are called"

And I thought "but I'm dangerous!" (meaning lack of filter and a bit radical)

"You come with your list of disclaimers" (I liked that one, answered "I am dangerous")
"But it's not about's about me" (Jesus)
"Don't despise small beginnings"

And I cried. OK God. I submit.

There's so much more to this - I'm going to share each word in it's own post in an attempt to organize my thoughts. We'll see how well that works out!

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Cake

OK, so the birthday cake deserves a post of it's own!! I slaved over the planning of this cake for weeks after being completely inspired by my friends Amy and Kari creating a fantastic pregnant mama cake for a baby shower. Adi had some pretty clear specifications for me: it had to have fairies and mermaids on it.

I searched and searched for ideas online but nothing really seemed like it would do. I had a lot of fun looking though. has some amazing cake photos out there! I ran across some cakes with photos on them and I realized that Hy-Vee makes photo cakes. I called to find out if they could print the photo transfer only so I could put it on my home baked cake. For $5 I got the transfer to add to my made from scratch cake - perfect!!

Check out the cupcake with broccoli and a blade of grass - Cam's creation!

Happy Birthday Adi!

I really struggled this year with making the choice between having a friends party for Adi or a family party. I knew I didn't have it in me to do both, and I thank God that I didn't mistakenly think that would be a good idea!!

I was all set on a friends party and then I got stuck in the planning process. Finally, I realized that this wasn't my party, it was Adi's and I needed to ask her what she wanted. I explained the difference between a friends party (siting Max and Caedon's parties) and a family party (naming several family members that would likely come). Adi didn't even hesitate to choose a family party. I was a bit surprised, but when I asked her again later she had the same response. OK, then. Family party it is!
Here's Adi with her cousins Keely, Elleh and Tori:

Adi saw this toy macaw around Christmas time and it was $50! I was not at all willing to pay $50 for a silly toy bird!! Then I found it on clearance at Target for 50% off. I can do $25 - worth every penny to see all these smiles:

One of her gifts was a Mariposa butterly fairy dress up costume which she of course had to put on immediately and wore throughout the rest of the party! So cute :)

3 Years of Adilyn Rose Born 4/11/05

Monday, April 7, 2008

Adi is a Little Fairy

Adi has had a long time love of fairies. Paired with her love of stories, I decided to order a very special book for her 3rd birthday, coming up on April 11th. It was a lot more than I would ordinarily spend on a book, but this is no ordinary book! This is a beautifully written and illustrated fairy 'tale' and Adilyn is the main character!! I'm so excited to give this gift to Adi, I can hardly stand waiting!! I ordered it from

Here are some e-cards that were included with the price of the book:

Run It 2

It's been 9 days since I arrived back home from my excursion to the Run It 2 Vineyard Women's Conference in Evanston, IL. I've been a little reluctant to write about it because it was such a full experience and honestly I'm still processing it.

Unfortunately, I got puking sick with the flu during the last session on Saturday night and spent a challenging car ride home trying not to throw up or poop my pants! It wasn't very much fun, but God was graceful enough to let me sleep through the majority of it, save the few roadside pit stops required for me to purge the few sips of water I managed to drink following the previous ditch barf. Now that I'm not sick I can use all of these fun throw up words. I'm a freak, I know :)

So I was sick for several days and Adi is honestly just now getting back up to about 95% after getting sick as well. I just got word this morning that Adi spread the love to her Papa and he's down for the count right now :( Being ill and caring for Adi has made processing the wonderful parts of the conference a little strange. I've been so engulfed in vomit and poo that I've barely been able to just reflect on all the things I felt like God was telling me at the conference.
I still need to sit on some of my stuff before sharing it here. There's some exciting stuff to share, I just need more time.
Thanks, Rachel Norman, for sharing this picture of Rachelle, Amy and I at the conference!

Friday, April 4, 2008


Short Lesson in Sprouting for Gardening

So my friend Kate asked about this sprouting business so I'll try to give a short tutorial. I have a feeling it won't be so short. Whatever, it's fun so it'll be worth it!

Cam and I originally bought our EasyGreen Sprouter from to sprout not only wheat grass (which is a topic of it's very own) but alfalfa, sunflower, beans, etc.
After reading a book by Eliot Coleman - 4 Season Harvest, Cam decided to try the soil block method for starting our seeds indoors. We mix our own soil for ultimate seed starting (soil recipe also from Coleman's book) and then after several failed attempts to build his own version of a soil blocker Cam bought this cool contraption from
After mixing the soil, which Adi does a great job modeling for you above, blocks are formed using the contraption and then Adi gets to help plant seeds in the blocks. In the sprouter they go and they are gently misted with water at regularly timed intervals. Shortly after the seeds sprout we move them to larger blocks and let them hang out under a grow light in our basement. It's a pretty spiffy operation - we're just waiting for the day the cops come knocking on our door to see what we're growing in here! Ha ha. We'd gladly give them the tour :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Driscoll Urban Farm

Spring in the Driscoll household means starting seeds in preparation for planting our "urban farm". This year Adi was able to help Daddy make soil blocks and put seeds in each one. Next step is the sprouter where the seeds enjoy regular drinks of water and a nice warm heating pad to help them on their way. Oh how we love spring!
Here's a photo of last years early garden: