Monday, January 3, 2011


Chloe tried on Adi's hair extension headband from Halloween and she looks oh so cute!
 She's just as cute as a natural baldy :)
 Adi was such a great big sister at Chloe's first well child visit.  She wanted desperately to protect Chloe from the vaccinations and even cried when Chloe cried.  It was sad, sweet, and stressful to have not just one crying girl but two.
 I love all the smiles from this little girl.  The Bumbo seat is a pretty cool tool for helping baby girl develop the muscles she needs to sit on her own.
  My niece and nephew spent a week with us while my little brother and his wife made arrangements for them to go to a preschool while sis-in-law hangs out on bed rest waiting for baby boy (child #3) to arrive safely.  The kids did a lot of dress up - they're all super heros here - because we all know that firefighters are real life super heros!
 Adilyn is getting braver about holding her sister, but Chloe prefers for Adi to talk to her face to face.  She just laughs and giggles, she loves her sissy!
 This baby is growing so fast.  I'm not sad about it yet because what it means for me is that she is sleeping better, smiling more and requiring a tad less than constant attention from me which is a relief to have a break now and again.

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