Monday, January 3, 2011

Halloween 2010

 Adi decided to be a vampire for Halloween this year, which was quite a surprise to me.  Once I arrived to her classroom for the Halloween parade I understood why.
 Two of her classmates had also chosen to be vampires, ah the power of peer influence!
 Adi had a cute spider web mask that she was going to wear but it felt too itchy so she ended up choosing to go sans mask.
 Here's a group shot of Adi's friends at school.  Her best friend is the yellow Pokemon character on the left.  The girl on the right is supposed to be Lady Gaga.  I had to do a google search to find out who Lady Gaga was and apparently I shocked my facebook friends and family by admitting that I had no idea who the celeb was.  
On the left you can see one of the finest teachers on the planet, Mrs. Smith.  We adore her.  I don't think this year could have been as successful as it has been so far without her investment in Adilyn and her adjustment not only to Kindergarten but to sisterhood as well.
 It is our tradition to trick-or-treat with our dear friends the McCoy's.  The clan is all together and posing for this shot on a neighbor's doorstep.
 Miss Chloe was true to her namesake this year and went as a flower blossom.  I just adore this costume!
 In lieu of the mask I painted some pretty cool spider webs on for trick-or-treating and we used a dollar store hair extension headband for dramatic affect.
 One last shot of my baby flower.
Halloween is much easier with just one kiddo but more fun with two!!

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