Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas 2010

Santa visited our house this year and left several golden packages for our family.  Adi  even said, "how many presents is Santa giving me?" as the unwrapping seemed to go on and on... Santa went a bit overboard, as usual.  Hopefully he can tone it down a bit next year but he just gets so darn excited!!
I think the one thing that got the biggest response from Adi was the Rapunzel hair from Uncle Shane and Aunt Kris.
Wow, that's a lot of hair to keep from getting "tangled"!
One final modeling shot of the hair.
 Chloe is enjoying her new infant to toddler rocker.
 And the famous Sophie the giraffe teething toy.
Christmas isn't quite over for our family yet - we have two more Driscoll Christmas celebrations mid-January and then our holiday season will officially be over.  And then on to a busy and exciting new year :)

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