Monday, May 7, 2007

May 2, 2007 Email

I'm not sure how to write this - I'm still in shock. The quote from my doctor that keeps going through my head is, "it's not normal, I can't to explain it."

This morning we saw a heartbeat. A little tiny heartbeat. The doctor doesn't want to do anymore hormone tests because she says they aren't necessary since we have a healthy heartbeat. The little one measures 6 weeks 3 days.

I'm in awe of what Jesus has done here and I can't quite comprehend why he chose me for this miracle. I've never felt such blessing in my life. This is impossible yet it happened. I don't even know what to do with myself other than praise God!

The only complication now is that the gestational sack is resting on the right side of my uterus which could put me at risk for a complicated pregnancy - the lining of the uterus could potentially wear too thin and rupture, and though this is rare it is something to be careful of.

I have another ultrasound scheduled in 2 weeks to check progress. I can't even believe that we made it this far. Please continue to pray for healthy development of this precious baby and for strength of my uterus to withstand the awkward position. Thanks to all who have been my prayer warriors, I know that God hears our prayers and he is listening!!

I'm now at home feeling blissfully nauseous and can't wait to take a nap. I will never look at morning sickness the same way again!

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