Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hcg = 82

My hormone level is down to 82 which is awesome. I only bled for 11 days this time compared to 7 weeks with my first 2 miscarriages. I feel vibrant, full of life, hope and faith that God will bless us with another pregnancy.

The doc wants me to do a dye test in which a dye is injected into my uterus while a radiologist watches it absorb into the lining of my uterus to determine if the shape of my uterus is the problem. I have some mixed feelings about this procedure.

  1. The test could show us if there are any abnormalities that could potentially be corrected with surgery
  2. We would have peace of mind in knowing that we were checking into potential causes
  1. I don't like the idea of injecting any foreign substance into my uterus
  2. The procedure is potentially painful and includes a risk of infection
  3. Having the procedure would prolong the waiting period in which we would be able to try again
  4. If the test showed an abnormality I would then be faced with the decision of whether or not to follow through with a surgery (not an appealing option)

I successfully carried and delivered Adi so I know that no matter what the shape of my uterus is I am in fact capable of having a healthy full-term pregnancy.

The cons seem to outweigh the pros for me right now so Cam and I have agreed that we are going to hold off on the test. That may change if we get pregnant and miscarry again, but for now we feel like we need to move forward without invasive tests.

So our prayer is that next time around God will guide our little one(s) to a safe and healthy place in the womb to implant. That the environment there will be welcoming and nourishing, that my body will accept it as my own and harbour it. That we can leave the ups and downs behind and walk forward in faith with Jesus along side us.

This is totally a side but I love learning the meanings of names. My name is from Anastasia which means, "resurrection". This feels so fitting to me right now; I have fallen but I know I will rise again. Thank you Jesus.

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