Saturday, August 9, 2008

Raw Ramblings

So as Cam and I are doing this 100 days raw thing which is going so unbelievably well, I thought I'd show you all a sampling of a couple of our favorites so far.

This is a picture of all of us with green smoothie mustaches. Adi wouldn't drink smoothies until recently but she's grown rather fond of them lately. Good thing, too, since we've been having them daily (don't worry, we still feed her too ;)
These are some banana/apricot crepes with nut cream and strawberry sauce. It's basically banana/apricot fruit leathers filled with blended nuts, vanilla and agave and topped with strawberries and agave. Holy moly this stuff was amazing!
Adi preferred hers as a fruit leather rolled up (otherwise known as a fruit roll-up) and she dipped it in the cream and sauce. Whatever works ;)
So if you haven't checked out the raw blog lately, it's worth a visit to see what else we're eating. It's hard to believe we're eating all uncooked food that's only been processed in our kitchen and at temps below 115. It's not as hard this time as it was in the past. Must be because it's summer and we're better prepared this time.
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