So last night Cam had to work because it was his co-worker's night off so Nana, Adi and I went to
Treebrook Preschool's "Ice Cream" Social. It was pretty cool. The "ice cream" was made from frozen bananas with no other added ingredients. We make it using our Samson juicer all the time and love it. Everyone was shocked that it was just bananas because it's so creamy and wonderful. A super healthy ice cream substitute.
I already did all my crying about Adi going to preschool a couple of weeks ago when we were deciding whether or not to send her and where to send her so I was fine but Nana, on the other hand... well, I'll just leave it at that ;) Here's Adi and Nana on our walk to the "Ice Cream" Social:
And Adi is enjoying whole grain cookies with her new friend Sophie.
This morning we took Adi to school and here's a photo of her just before we headed down the path to the school which is located in the basement of a ranch style home. Check out her cute lunch bag. She picked it out herself. I tried to talk her into getting the rockin bag with a cool swirly design and a guitar on it but she wanted the apple and cherries.
Daddy is walking Adi down the path to school.
Adi and her classmates are having some instrument time. We stayed for the Music and Me class (or whatever it's called). Adi wasn't ready to participate with the singing part but give her an instrument and she's a happy bee.
So after music class Cam and I left our little girl at preschool in the hands of her teachers. I hope she likes it there even more than she expected. When we gave her the choice between Kirkwood School for Children ("Hippy Daycare" in the nicest form of the term), Willowwind and Treebrook she was adament that she wanted to go to Treebrook. We trust her intuition and so it is. Our baby is growing up!
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