Thursday, August 28, 2008

Omega-3 DHA

I've been wanting to write about a product I'm using and love for quite a while but trying to maintain three blogs has made it difficult for me to do much more than post photos. So something I've been taking off and on for years now is omega-3 supplements. I used to take Zone Perfect brand for a long time because they used molecular distillation and a superior form of vitamin E. Then at the beginning of the year when Cam decided to try giving vegetarianism a shot, we decided together that we were going to cut fish from our diets as well. When I made that change I went on the hunt for a vegan source of omega-3 and DHA, which are essential for brain development and function. What I found is Deva Vegan DHA derived from algae (which is where the fish get the DHA from).

When I first started taking fish oils I would have "salmon burps" all day after taking the capsules in the morning. It didn't take long for me to decide to switch to taking the supplements at night just before bed. I noticed almost immediately that I started to sleep more easily and much more deeply when taking the fish oils. I've never read anything about this so I don't know if it happens to anyone else, but it was very apparent to me. If I ran out and didn't replenish my supply for a while I would start to have sleep issues and I'd always wonder, "what is up? Why can't I sleep?" Then as soon as I started taking my supplements again within several days my sleep patterns would smooth back out.

A friend of mine was just telling me last weekend that she started taking fish oil at night before bed as a result of hearing me talk about it. Her baby nurses early in the morning (I think around 3 or 4) and she could never get back to sleep until she started taking the fish oils. Now she's sleeping after nursing again! Phenomenal!! And the fact that her baby is going to benefit from the omega-3's through her breast milk is equally exciting to me.

So hearing this from my friend sparked an idea. Maybe if the omega-3 thing works for me and works for my friend, it might just work for my daughter as well!!! So yesterday I went to the co-op and got some Nordic Naturals Children's DHA softgels. They have a strawberry essence flavor and she thinks it's the most special thing in the world to get to eat them. They pop in her mouth when she bites down, kinda like Gushers, I guess :) They aren't vegan, but neither is Adi. She "chooses" to eat wild caught salmon when Papa grills it for her and after a ton of debate I'm now OK with that. I haven't noticed any help in the sleep arena yet, but it usually takes a few days so I'm super hopeful! I'll post updates as I note changes (or lack thereof).

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