Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Golden Hands

Last night as I was putting Adi to bed I saw a short, simple vision: it looked something like what you see to the right (a Photo Shopped version of my vision). It was hands, in just this posture, holding something round. The vision was golden and looked more like pure gold and metallic than what I've recreated. I sat and pondered it for a moment and then went on to have a horribly difficult time getting Adi to go to sleep and therefore forgot about the image.

So today I'm wondering, what did my vision mean? I actually giggle at the fact that I have no doubt at all of what I saw and though it was short lived that it was real. And I know that I wouldn't be given a vision if it didn't mean something, so what does this mean?

Here are my initial thoughts: at first I thought the round object in the hands was bread. Then I thought, but it's too round. I don't think it's bread. It was round like a sphere, maybe like a globe. I also had a sense of giving/offering/receiving, but also being held and protected. I was searching the internet a bit for info on symbolism but that wasn't very helpful and I wasn't very dedicated to the search. I certainly have more digging to do but thought it was interesting and wanted to share it.

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