Thursday, May 29, 2008

Adi's Prayer

Yesterday as Adi and I were playing around. She's really into role playing, so I was a sick patient and she the doctor. She was using a miniature Orange Crush bottle (remember that stuff? mmmmm goooood) to administer my medicine. But it wasn't enough to just pretend I was drinking medicine from the bottle - Adi wanted me to have the cap and top portion of the neck in my mouth. All of a sudden the doc decided I had enough and ripped the bottle out of my mouth (luckily it's plastic) and conked my teeth on the way out. It wasn't painful, but certainly wasn't pleasant either. That put an end to the medicine game and I did all of the explaining why what she did was dangerous, etc...
At bed time (which has been, let's say... a challenge lately) Adi surprised me with a prayer. For me. For my teeth! Completely unprovoked, Adi said, "God, please bless my mommy's teeth". Then she turned to me and put her hand on my mouth and repeated her prayer as tears rolled down my cheeks. Oh, the glorious joy of being prayed for by my 3 year old daughter. It was phenomenal. I don't think I can really express how stunningly beautiful it was.

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