Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Friday?

Today has been quite a day already. First thing this morning after my shower, which is really the first thing so I suppose it would be more appropriate to say second thing this morning Cam calls me into the bedroom. What could follow might be fun and interesting, but instead I hear him say, "Ihry puked on the bed". Nice. I flipped on the light to find dog puke on the bed with two whole chunks of baby corn from last nights curry and rice dinner. Adi surely snuck Ihry a couple of "treats" and Ihry was now returning the favor. This pretty much set the tone for the morning.

After cleaning up dog puke, and inevitably cat pee and poop in the litter area (this is a broad term since lately Mojo does his thing wherever he feels like it, mostly within a few feet of the litter boxes but rarely in them - we're working with the vet on that) I finally got out the door. I needed to stop at Walgreens on the way to pick up our Christmas photos and some Cold-Eeze & Ricola for my weird slight chest congestion.

I drove the van because the tires are better and it's bigger so if I crash or some moron who doesn't know how to drive in the snow plows into me I'll have a better chance of survival than if I'm in the teeny Ford Escort. This choice meant that I accidentally left my badge in the car and couldn't get into the building without going to the guard station where they issued me a bright orange "loser" badge.

When I finally got inside and to my desk I opened my drawer to get my shoes, forgetting that I had taken them home with me the day before. Great, now I get to wear my big honkin snow boots all day long. Dragh. Then Cam called to make sure I got here OK and to remind me that I forgot my cell phone at home (if ever there is a time you should have your cell phone with you, it's while traveling in a snow storm!)

Finally I opened my envelope of photos and all 50 of them were chopped off! Only half of Cam's face showed and it said Merry Christma and Adilyn was cut off to Ad - we do occasionally call her that but that's not the point! Anyway, here's what it's supposed to look like:

I'm relieved to report that I'm not the only one having a crappy morning. My boss spent half an hour trying to figure out how to get logged onto one of the lab computers. A co-worker got stuck 3 times on her commute from Coralville and it took her 2 hours to get here. Yet another co-worker dropped her cell phone in the pee water in her toilet this morning. Another almost got run over by the crazy janitor lady who vacuums like a psycho near the main entrance at 8 am when most people are arriving to work and then scowls at people when they try to get by. Finally, another spilled her entire mug of coffee all over the passenger seat on her way to work. Those are just the stories I've heard. Surely there are more. Happy Friday!

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