Tomorrow is the big day. August 1st marks day one of my 100 day raw food challenge being put on by Bunny Berry and RawFu. The nice thing about this challenge is that I get to make up my own rules, set my own goals. My main goal is to eat a high raw diet for the duration of the challenge. By high raw, I mean 90% or more. I plan to use ingredients such as agave nectar and nutritional yeast that are consider "dead foods" but I feel add enough enjoyment to the raw recipes containing them to be worth it.
A while back I fasted from cooked food and completed 21 days on raw food only. I was less than graceful, but made it all 21 days. It was so HARD to do! As I recall, it was in late fall right around Thanksgiving. That was the hardest meal I've ever eaten. Seeing all the hot cooked food around me made my cold raw substitutes less than desirable but I did it. Oh yes, I made it through the torture that it was. But I was fasting. That's the difference. I chose to give up something I had grown completely dependent on and was forced to find new ways to cope. My emotions ran rampant and from a faith perspective God worked wonders in me over those 21 days.
This time around I'm choosing a challenge for health. Don't get me wrong, I feel like God is leading me in this direction and will bless this journey as much as, if not more than, my 21 days. But it feels like I'm more prepared this time and I'm going in with a different perspective. I have to, 100 days is a long time! And now thanks to Bunny and RawFu I have a community of people who are going to be doing it with me.
So I may post weekly updates on my raw food experiment blog or I may not. I'll most likely keep the nitty gritty of my experience on the RawFu forum blog and save the other for the fun recipes that sustain me.
Wish me luck, I think I'm going to need it ;)
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