Friday, February 29, 2008

The Gathering

I have a confession. So last year when I saw the flier for The Gathering (Vineyard conference) being the visual person I am, I thought, "that looks really cheesy. I don't think I'll be missing anything if I don't go". I judged. And even worse, I judged based on a piece of paper. Judged a book by it's cover, if you will.

When I heard all of the stories of how God moved in big ways at that conference I felt the size of a pea. I should know better than to judge, and now I had the proof that I was wrong wrong wrong in thinking that I wouldn't miss out on anything!

This year, the flier for The Gathering had nothing to do with my decision whether or not to go. Cam and I have been in deep need of a retreat and we're so grateful that tonight, we'll get one. So off we go to The Gathering. I have no idea what is in store for us. I have no sense of what God might do. In the past, I've entered into conferences and ministries with great fear (believing that God was going to ask me to do something I didn't want to do - like move to Africa... sorry Amy R if you're reading this ;)

Maybe that means something, that either I'm getting better at trusting God and what He has for me or maybe He's going to nail me to the floor when I least expect it. At any rate, I can't wait to spend the weekend with other Jesus lovers and seekers. And whatever God has, I'll take.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This made me smile :)

Any follow-up thoughts to share?!

I feel the same type of anticipation/hesitation about Run It!