Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Can You Say...

"Can you say, God bless Adi!" my sick, stuffy nosed princess desperately cried out to me last night as she was trying to sleep. Her nose was so stuffed that she couldn't breathe out of it at all, which is a nightmare for a thumb sucker. I guess she's used to hearing me cry out to God or Jesus in times of trial and she wanted me to pray on her behalf.

Of course, I did. And before I even knew what had happened her nose was clear enough to breathe through until she fell asleep. The stuffiness came back later, but the faith that God hears us when we cry out remains - instilled in my child at the ripe age of 2 years 10 months. I thank God that in Adilyn's suffering, she knows to cry out to Jesus for relief - and that in the midst of fevers, chills, sweats, headaches, coughs and runny/stuffy noses, Jesus revealed himself to us.

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