Monday, April 7, 2008

Run It 2

It's been 9 days since I arrived back home from my excursion to the Run It 2 Vineyard Women's Conference in Evanston, IL. I've been a little reluctant to write about it because it was such a full experience and honestly I'm still processing it.

Unfortunately, I got puking sick with the flu during the last session on Saturday night and spent a challenging car ride home trying not to throw up or poop my pants! It wasn't very much fun, but God was graceful enough to let me sleep through the majority of it, save the few roadside pit stops required for me to purge the few sips of water I managed to drink following the previous ditch barf. Now that I'm not sick I can use all of these fun throw up words. I'm a freak, I know :)

So I was sick for several days and Adi is honestly just now getting back up to about 95% after getting sick as well. I just got word this morning that Adi spread the love to her Papa and he's down for the count right now :( Being ill and caring for Adi has made processing the wonderful parts of the conference a little strange. I've been so engulfed in vomit and poo that I've barely been able to just reflect on all the things I felt like God was telling me at the conference.
I still need to sit on some of my stuff before sharing it here. There's some exciting stuff to share, I just need more time.
Thanks, Rachel Norman, for sharing this picture of Rachelle, Amy and I at the conference!

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