Here it is. Belly at 41 weeks and a couple of days. This pregnancy has been such a ride. A long long ride. I could even call it a long strange trip! I never expected to be pregnant past my due date, it just doesn't seem like anyone should ever have to go past 40 weeks. I think 40 weeks is plenty long enough. I just learned that my mother-in-law went 3 weeks past her due date with brother-in-law Larry! I have a whole new respect for her as a mother, I don't know how she endured such a long pregnancy! At most I will have to wait until Friday 9/3 to be induced which is 11 days past my due date. I already feel like the time couldn't possibly go any slower and though I'm physically comfortable (thanks to my chiropractor I think) I'm totally mentally and emotionally unstable! I cry at very unpredictable times and am having a hard time dealing with the wait. Maybe part of that is that I'm home alone all day - except for all of the appointments I've been going to. I probably have too much time to think and that feels miserable.
I do know, that this baby will be born by Friday. After a second try at stripping my membranes today (first try was on Friday 8/27 but had virtually no effect) I went on to have a non-stress test which showed that baby is happily thriving in my womb. And three cervix checks over the past week have shown almost no change in dilation or effacement. Not only is baby not ready but apparently my body is not ready either. Cam thinks it's because I'm too comfortable. Interestingly, my chiropractor mentioned that the majority of his pregnant clients have carried their babies past their due dates which leads me to wonder if Cam is on to something. Maybe there is something to the mother's discomfort that aids in babies timely arrivals. I couldn't find any studies on it online, it's just an observation and has me wondering.
So now the wait continues. Not much is keeping me sane at this point, though Bethel teachings online have been good medicine for my soul and knowing that there is a specific date that we will not go past is helpful as well. I'm so very very ready for this baby to be born. So very ready.