I'd seen an ad somewhere for a gender prediction test called Intelligender and had been tempted to get one long ago. The test is about $35 which felt like a lot considering I would be having an ultrasound that would likely be much more reliable and I didn't have to pay for that (well, I did but my it's included in the $100 co-pay for the entire pregnancy including delivery). So I decided to wait for the ultrasound.
In the wake of disappointment at what I was told at the ultrasound about having another girl (not that I don't want another girl, I just always felt like I was having a boy) I decided to go to Walgreens and get myself an Intelligender test. With luck, it was on sale for $27 and I didn't hesitate to give it a try - even though it's accuracy is only about 90%.
The results made me laugh:
Sage green is supposed to be boy. Orange is supposed to be girl. I kind of got both. The urine was mostly orangish while the sediments that fell to the bottom turned dark sage green. I really couldn't help but laugh. I had to make a choice. I could be frustrated and freak out or I could laugh and enjoy the mystery of not knowing if we are having a boy or a girl. I decided I was going to have fun with not knowing, trusting in the Lord that this baby was exactly as He designed it to be and take joy in the blessing of being pregnant with a healthy baby. What a blessing indeed.
So now we are thinking of girl names which we hadn't done until now because we were so sure it was a boy. Seeking baby names is such a fun thing for me and I love it! I love how unique everyone's taste is when I ask for suggestions. Even if I never use any of the names I'm searching through "just in case it really is a girl" I'm having fun with it and truly cherishing this pregnancy and the little one growing inside me.