We enjoyed one day sledding so far this year - well, only once other than sledding in our own yard that is. It was quite an occasion. We went with our friend Rachelle who had all four of her kids plus her lively boxer Enid in tow. Poor Rachelle. It was craziness!! By the time we got there I think 3 of the 4 were crying and Enid was running wild (which was actually good for her to burn off some energy). Once Cam, Adi and I got there to help things went much better.
This year we waited until after Christmas to do the gingerbread house. Mostly because I didn't feel like buying a conventional kit and had my eyes on a kit at the Co-op that I fooled myself into believing would be better than the one we got at Walgreens last year. When it went on sale, Cam bought one and I was all set to put some natural, pre-baked walls together to form a house. I was beyond disappointed when I opened the kit up to find natural mix for me to prepare and bake on my own. Are you kidding me? I wanted natural and convenient. Not this at all! But for my little Adilyn Rose, I did it. I mixed up that dough, let it chill overnight, rolled it out, cut wall and roof shapes out and baked them and mixed the frosting for what felt like an hour until we had stiff peaks.
Then when we were all ready we realized we didn't have any candy. Or at least very little candy. See, those handy little kits you get at Walgreens include candy. So we made due with some cake decorating supplies, raisins and other randoms we found around the house. When I wasn't looking Adi decided to use some of the edible pink shimmer dust as eye makeup for herself and all of her Barbies :) Very cute.
Snow, snow, snow. I've seen enough snow for one season but I think we'll be seeing plenty more. It's snowing even now as I type. Adi started out in the fall praying for snow, now she's praying for it to go away!
At least we've been able to have some fun in it. If you can't have fun with the snow, what's it good for anyway? I love the snow and I love winter but I'm getting really close to being ready for spring!
Then when we were all ready we realized we didn't have any candy. Or at least very little candy. See, those handy little kits you get at Walgreens include candy. So we made due with some cake decorating supplies, raisins and other randoms we found around the house. When I wasn't looking Adi decided to use some of the edible pink shimmer dust as eye makeup for herself and all of her Barbies :) Very cute.
Snow, snow, snow. I've seen enough snow for one season but I think we'll be seeing plenty more. It's snowing even now as I type. Adi started out in the fall praying for snow, now she's praying for it to go away!
At least we've been able to have some fun in it. If you can't have fun with the snow, what's it good for anyway? I love the snow and I love winter but I'm getting really close to being ready for spring!