So I felt an urge to get up and check my email but I really didn't want to get out of bed. It was 2:00 in the morning, I was tired and didn't want to ruin my chances of sleeping by stimulating my brain with the light of the computer. But as I lay there trying to sleep the urge got stronger until I finally gave in.
Since I had lost my job and money got tighter I applied for a scholarship to go to the conference that Heidi was speaking at. I hadn't heard anything back, until I finally got up and checked my email. The message included key words such as, "your registration has been accepted, print this email for admission to the conference" and "we have been praying for you by name since receiving your registration" and "you are attending this conference by divine appointment". I know it was a form letter but it got me, it felt like it was all speaking to my heart and actually ripping it in two! How was I supposed to go to the conference when God had provided an answer to my prayer for Kingdom economy? I had to honor the family I had an agreement with.
Well, long story short, Cam agreed to watch the little one on Tuesday and I compromised on my travel by leaving after she went home on Monday at 12:30. Adi and I did the road trip to Chicago to meet the McCoy's and stay at the Frauenholtz's (I hope I spelled that right).
The trip up was good. Maybe even excellent. My favorite part was when a white owl swooped in from the median, it came right at me and lifted it's feet as though it was going to just pick me up and then it flew right over me. It was incredible! The significance of the owl is way bigger than I can do justice and I'll have to dedicate an entire post to the owl later but just know that this is extremely spiritual and extremely exciting!
Here is a short video of Heidi preaching. She spoke on courage which is the same thing that Christy Wimber spoke on a week ago at the Vineyard in Cedar Rapids (where Cam prayed for my foot with tendinitis and it was HEALED, by the way! :) and I haven't heard it yet but Cam says that Bill Johnson also spoke on courage in his sermon on Sunday. God wants us to have courage, I know I need courage right now so I'll take it!!
There was a prayer tunnel at the end of the evening after Heidi spoke. Basically there are two lines of ministry leaders and the conference goers walk down the middle and are blessed by the folks who make up the lines. It can be very powerful. The guy at the beginning of the line asked me what I wanted prayer for and I said, "courage". He said it took courage just to say that. I chuckled because I didn't think so but whether I agreed with him didn't matter. I didn't sense anything specific happen when I went through the tunnel but thought maybe I got what I asked for.
Today we went to Kohl's to get a new outfit for me for a TV appearance I'm going to have next week (again, another post) and in the parking lot was a man walking with a cane. I asked Cam if he wanted to go pray for the guy and Cam said no. I walked a few more steps with Cam and Adi and then found myself just changing direction and walking toward the man. Adi followed and therefore Cam did too. In the end the guy didn't let me pray for him, but I told him that God loves him and blessed him and respectfully left him alone. It's OK that he said no, the most important thing is that I had the courage to say yes!