Everyone wants to know what happened, and to be honest, I'm really not quite sure. Seven online designers were merged with the paper design department a little over a year ago. Three moved on to better things. My 9-month position was taken away (which meant I had to work the full year like most humans), I was put through a 6 week intensive training starting a few months ago and then I was given practice training samples to work on. I chose to work on live work with real deadlines instead. Bad idea, according to management, I guess.
We had our "test" on Wednesday, got feedback on Thursday saying that they would get back to us in a few days time. Even though the live work I was doing actually utilized many of the skills in the training samples the mistakes I made on the 3 1/2 hour high pressure test that paper designers (legal resource) were not able to easily help me with, management found that I was not meeting the expectations of a designer in the department. I read: "You do not subordinate to authority as you should and therefore you must be eliminated because you are otherwise a threat to our authority". Not a new theme for me. If I'm gonna go down, it's gonna be me standing up for myself, my friends.
The official story is that I was let go because of performance which was actually a blessing because it means that I get severance pay and am elligible to apply for any open position at pearson as a result. So I have 2 weeks full pay for every year of service plus 2 weeks in lieu of notice for a total of 24 weeks or almost 6 months of full pay. I was already covered under Cam for insurance so nothing really had to change in that respect.
I felt really sad for about 15 minutes, knowing that I was going to miss my friends and the familiarity that I had grown accustomed to. Then I drove home. And in the privacy of my car I shouted, "I trust you God, I trust you God, I trust you God!!!" and I gave over every emotion I had. You know what? God took it all and in return poured love and grace over me. I can not even fully comprehend the totality of God's goodness in all of this.
Cam and I knew that when we left our church to seek God in new ways that our lives were going to change drastically. We really thought that was going to look different, but the promise is being fulfilled. I have been set free of something I thought I liked and I thought I wanted but in the end God says this door is closed. Stay tuned to learn which new doors open as a result. I don't know what the heck I'm doing but that's OK because God knows and that's all that matters :)
So we move forward with anticipation of what is to come. I'm so thankful for God's provision and I struggle to find rest because I want to know what's next but I know the only way to understand what is next is to be still and listen. Crazy how God works, but fun and wonderful at the same time. We are blessed indeed. Blessed indeed.