Last year Lent snuck up on me. Before I knew it, Lent was upon us and I hadn't thought even for a moment about it. I was pretty irritated about that, you can read all of my ranting about last years Lent here.
But this year, I'm in a very different place. I'm very much ready to engage in something special if it means that in the process I will be engaging with Jesus. My walk with Jesus has been changing dramatically over the last couple of months (in a very good way) and I'll write more about that later once I manage to get my brain wrapped around it a bit more. For now, I want to talk about this year's Lenten season and 40 Days of Faith.
So as Cam and I started considering how we would participate this year, we heard a short talk at church about a couple different categories of participation. In my words, the first is abstention and the other is engagement. You can either chose to abstain from something that is "important" to you or something that occupies a lot of your time or thought and replace that thing with prayer or meditation with Jesus. Or, you can chose to add something to your routine that would also enhance your walk with Jesus - add a devotional, read a particular book, a Bible study or engage in a specifically planned prayer time regularly.
We're chosing to do both. Cam isn't comfortable with me writing about how we have chosen to observe this year through both abstaining (fasting) and engaging (worship). So, we'll just kick off Lent tomorrow and see what God has in store.