Friday, December 25, 2009
Love & Nature
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A White Christmas
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Dear Santa

I would like a Princess and the Frog doll and a squirting dinosaur for Christmas. I will give you healthy snacks like broccoli, carrots and milk instead of cookies. Your reindeer can eat some veggies too, they'll need energy to fly. I've seen your squirrels watching me to make sure I'm being good, there's a lot of them at my Nana and Papa's house, and I even saw them at Grandma Marsha and Grandpa Mike's house! I don't worry because I am a good girl. I love you very much but I love God and my mommy and daddy the best.
I can't wait for Christmas! Every day we tear off a ring from our "days to Christmas chain" and it's only 4 days away.
Adilyn Rose
*paraphrased by the Mama :)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Getting Ready for Christmas
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Fall Leaves and Family
There were leaves galore, everyone else was trying to clean them up but we were more interested in playing with them :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I love Heidi Baker
Monday, October 19, 2009
Apologies and Answers to Prayer

So I had mentioned that I was getting full pay as severance for 24 weeks. That's only partially true. I get full severance, but apparently the tax rate on hours not actually worked (severance) is astronomical! When I saw my first pay check I had a few moments of panic. It was a lot short
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Omaha Zoo
- We got saw some really cool wind farms on the way there, it was almost surreal, the windmills are just gigantic and incredible
- We listened to a Christian artist that was new to us on the way. Her name is Misty Edwards. During one of the songs in particular we really felt God's presence with us in the van. I was crying, Cam was crying, Nana was laughing and so was Adi. It was intense, powerful and seriously amazing.
- We were blessed by Cam's Uncle Dan who treated us to lunch at his restaurant in Council Bluffs. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Laura stopped by too and we had a nice visit. It was an honor to pray for Laura, again, God's presence was strong as we reached out to pray in a situation that we'd normally shy away from.
- We prayed for good parking spots at the zoo (if you've ever been there you know what a blessing this can truly be) and God answered our prayers both days we went!
- When we checked into the hotel they had made a mistake so we ended up with two rooms for the price of one. A nice treat for Cam and I.
- We saw the IMAX movie Under the Sea which was 3D - and I've decided I'd rather watch 2D movies but it was cool just the same.
- The butterfly and insect building was bliss. I loved walking through that indoor rain forest atmosphere with butterflies swooping around me everywhere I looked. They're so cool to watch and Adi was in heaven.
We had a fun and exhausting two days at the zoo and were happy to get home to a freshly hatched monarch butterfly which we let go the next day. Photos of that wonder to come!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
No, we're not starting a house church
When we decided to leave the Vineyard we had acquired a taste for the house church movement. There seemed to be so many benefits of following a New Testament model for church life.
- Small house church = intimate relationships
- Tithes go directly to community needs rather than paying for church expenses
- No more burn out on over serving in a big church
- Fewer deeper relationships with no place to hide...
- No politics of a church "organization" to deal with
- Shared responsibility = empowerment AND accountability
Those are among some of the enticements that were on the surface of house church mentality. We did a little research, felt like it would be a natural step once leaving a church to start again with something small and intimate. We tried worshipping a couple of times with some friends and felt overwhelmed by all the decisions that had to go into creating something as simple and little as a house church. What was the meeting going to look like? When would we meet? What about worship? What about the kids? Do we do a teaching or just talk and pray? The list went on and on. And then we realized that we were looking to each other to make the decisions. Big No-No when the whole point is to seek God.
So we began to pray. As Cam and I prayed we were surprised by the answers we got. Everything we were trying was the opposite of what we were hearing God say. It was really obvious that we had missed the boat. Thank goodness it only took two weeks to figure this out, and that was even before we officially left the Vineyard!
Because of what we hear God saying, where He is leading us and what we are learning through we just know that a house church isn't going to work for us right now. Maybe not ever. Heidi Baker was preaching one night on the people who are saved and she said, "this is why we need buildings... where else would these people go?" and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Only a short while before Cam had a dream in which he saw our church being built from the ground up. It was just foundation and studs. He knew it wasn't the Vineyard, and he knew it was a church (the church we would be a part of building someday). When he told me about it he said, "I think we're supposed to plant a Bethel church" and I responded, "I think you're right."
That's about all I've got folks. I don't know how to plant a church. I don't know how to build a church from ground up. I have a feeling it doesn't really matter as long as I'm willing to say, "tell me what to do God, and I'll do it".