My FDLP was 8/31 and the one before that was 8/3. The good news is that my cycle is really regular at 28 days but the bad news is that I'm still not pregnant. Getting my period a few months ago felt like a new beginning. Getting my period last Friday night felt like utter heart-break and disappointment. The worst part is that I was having all these pregnancy symptoms like sore breasts and nausea so when I got my period it was a real slap in the face. But if I had to choose between my period and another miscarriage, I'll take my period every time!
On Sunday I had an amazing prayer time with Adey at church. I love how she prays with such authority and faith, like she just knows Jesus is listening and he will answer our prayers. I admire the confidence she exudes when she prays. I want to pray like that!
So now on to another month and another cycle. The annual women's retreat that we've been working so hard to prepare for is in just one week (immediately following ovulation!) so I'm really looking forward to that. It's so good to spend a couple of days with women who are on this journey together, walking with Christ and having our lives changed because of what he does in our hearts. It's so beautiful, I just love it! What a blessing.
My prayer for today is this: Oh God, I'm desperate for your peace. I'm full of anxiety and impatience. Lord I lift these burdens up to you, will you carry them for me? I give them to you and ask in their place for rest, patience and trust. Trust that your plan is far better than mine, and your timing is far better than mine. The psalms say "Your love O Lord, reaches to the heavens. Your faithfulness stretches to the skies" and I believe it. Thank you Jesus. Amen.